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Package/ Price List


Package 1   
$350 for 2 Hours

3mX3m enclosure with 8-10 animals


Animals Included but subject to availability,

  • Piglets

  • Lambs

  •  Ducks

  • Working Dog 

  • Chickens

  • Goats



Package 2 
$460 for 2 Hours

3mX6m enclosure with 10-15 animals


Animals Included but subject to availability,

  • Piglets

  • Lambs

  • Medium Goats

  • Ducks

  • Chickens

  • Goats

  • Working Dog 


Package 3 
 $680 for 2 Hours

custom sizing  with 25 or more animals


Animals Included but subject to availability,

  • Piglets

  • Lambs

  • Ducks

  • Goats

  • Geese

  • Chickens

  • Working Dog




want to groom a pony? our pony is $80 Extra Per Hour for grooming.


Travel fee: $1 per KM (charged for one way only)




Mobile animal farm | R&C Rescue Animal Farm | North MacLean

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